Episode 14: Let's Talk About Sex
Welcome to another episode of Trans Sister Radio: Broadcasting Everything Trans!
In this episode, Athena and Erin discuss how transition has changed their sex lives, their sexuality, and other OBVIOUSLY NSFW TOPICS.
For real yo. This is a Lewd Episode. Turn away ye of young ears.
Main Topic: Let's Talk About Sex
Really Silly Thing: Our Favorite Ramen
Error 404: Unable to Find Ramen Noodles on Internet.
Editor's note: After invention of digital-to-noodle conversion, implement link to ramen noodles.
We are asking for more topic ideas! Please contact us through our twitter (https://twitter.com/storythusfar or our handle @StoryThusFar) our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/storythusfar/), or our email (staff@storythusfar.com) if there's anything you'd like to hear us talk about!